
How Double Cellular Shades Can Help You Save Money on Your Energy Bills

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Are you tired of paying high energy bills, especially during the hot summer months or cold winter season? Installing energy-efficient window treatments is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your energy consumption.

Among all window treatments, double cellular shades are the most efficient option when it comes to reducing heating and cooling costs. In this blog post, we will explore how double cellular shades can help you save money on your energy bills and why they are the perfect choice for your living room.

Understanding Energy Efficiency

double cellular shades

Energy efficiency is the process of reducing energy waste by using technology or products that consume less energy while performing the same tasks. When it comes to your home, energy efficiency means using products and appliances that reduce energy waste and improve the overall energy performance of your living space.

One of the main factors that affect energy efficiency in homes is the windows. Windows are responsible for a significant portion of your home’s heat loss and gain, especially during extreme weather conditions. This is where energy-efficient window treatments come into play.

How Double Cellular Shades Work

Double cellular shades are window treatments that are designed with two layers of honeycomb-shaped cells that trap air and create a barrier against heat transfer. This unique design provides excellent insulation properties that help regulate the temperature in your living space, making it more comfortable while reducing energy consumption.

When the double cellular shades are fully extended, the air trapped within the cells acts as a barrier between the interior and exterior of your home. This barrier helps to prevent heat from escaping during the winter months and prevents heat gain during the summer months. Double cellular shades also help block UV rays from entering your home, protecting your furniture and interior from sun damage.

Benefits of Double Cellular Shades for Energy Saving

double cellular shades benefits

Double cellular shades offer a wide range of benefits when it comes to energy saving. Here are a few key benefits:

1. Reduction in heating and cooling costs

As mentioned earlier, double cellular shades provide excellent insulation properties that help to regulate the temperature in your living space. This means you can reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 30% by installing double cellular shades.

2. Protection against UV rays and heat gain/loss

Double cellular shades provide insulation and help block harmful UV rays from entering your home. This helps to protect your furniture, carpets, and interior from sun damage while reducing heat gain in your living space.

3. Lower energy consumption and carbon footprint

Double cellular shades provide insulation and help block harmful UV rays from entering your home. This helps to protect your furniture, carpets, and interior from sun damage while reducing heat gain in your living space.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Double Cellular Shades for Energy Saving

When it comes to choosing double cellular shades for energy saving, there are a few factors that you should consider. These include:

1. Type of fabric and material for energy efficiency

The type of fabric and material used in double cellular shades plays a significant role in their energy-saving properties. Look for shades with high R-values and insulating materials to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

2. Insulation values and R-Values for energy saving

Insulation values and R-values indicate the effectiveness of the double cellular shades in reducing heat loss or gain. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation properties.

3. Size and style of the shade

The size and style of the double cellular shades can also affect their energy-saving properties. Make sure to choose the right size and style of shades to fit your windows and provide maximum insulation.

4. Light filtering vs. blackout options for energy efficiency

Light filtering shades allow natural light to enter your living room, while blackout shades provide maximum privacy and light control. While both options offer energy-saving benefits, blackout shades provide better insulation properties.

Installation and Maintenance of Double Cellular Shades for Energy Saving

double cellular shades installation

Once you have chosen the right double cellular shades for your living room, it’s time to install and maintain them for maximum energy efficiency. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Installing double cellular shades correctly is important to ensure maximum energy efficiency. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or hire a professional to install them for you.
  • Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your double cellular shades continue to provide energy-saving benefits. Clean them regularly with a soft brush or vacuum to remove dust and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the shades.
  • Double cellular shades are designed to be low maintenance but still require occasional cleaning. Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean them with a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using bleach, ammonia, or other harsh chemicals that can damage the shades.


In conclusion, double cellular shades are an excellent choice for homeowners who want to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills. They offer excellent insulation properties, protect your interior from harmful UV rays, and reduce your carbon footprint. When choosing double cellular shades for your living room, consider factors such as the type of fabric and material used, insulation values, and the size and style of the shade. Once you have installed them, make sure to maintain them properly to ensure maximum energy efficiency. By choosing double cellular shades, you can enjoy a more comfortable living space while reducing your energy consumption and helping the environment.

Creative Windows can help provide the window treatment insight you need to find the perfect double cellular shades for your home. Discover our expert advice today.

Stacy Jacob

Stacy Jacob

Experienced Sales Manager with 12+ years in window design. Dedicated to exceptional customer experience and team leadership. I also enjoy reading, learning, and fostering kittens and helping them find their forever homes.

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